
Thursday, September 30, 2021

Gender stereotypes

 Hello and for today I am going to show you my finish project I mean my Gender stereotypes create. I've been learning about what are stereotypes are. So my create is to make a static image and this is my static image! Enjoy! Do think that boys have to ware pants and girls have to ware skirts? Have a good day!

Saturday, September 25, 2021

Mine vs Original

 Hi and for today I am going to show you my task board create that is about Beatitudes. I have been learning about the Beatitudes and what they mean. My create is to make my own Beatitudes symbol and be creative. Some of the Beatitudes symbol that I made looks make the original. Enjoy!

Which one do you like more? Mine or the Original.

Friday, September 24, 2021

Te reo

 Hi I'm Shyanne. Today I am going to show you my screencastify with my buddy. So my create to make a screencastify with a buddy and my buddy is Lucy B my classmate. We had to do a screencastify like I said and that screencastify is about asking my buddy for stuff. Our goal is ask for something or giving something. I hope like my screencastify!

Homai te pene?


Thursday, September 23, 2021

Girls and Boys

 Hello my is Shyanne and what I've been learning about stereotyping. So stereotyping is a mental bias that can be directed at age, weight, colour and gender and for my create will be around gender. For example boys favourite colour should be blue or girls favourite colour should be pink and that is stereotyping. So my create is all about gender and we had to do a static image this is my practice run my sketch. I hope you like it!

So should boys like blue and should girls like pink?

Thursday, September 16, 2021


Have you ever known anything about what you're learning about and you needed help?

Hi my name is Shyanne and these are some reasons why you teachers should allow students to use their cellphones during class.

First, children might not understand what you are talking about so they have to tell their friends but if teachers let children use their cellphones they will go into Google and search what you were talking about.

Second, just imagine if your parents are going to be late to pick you up after school and you don’t know about it you can just call them up to see what time they are picking you up or if you don’t know who is picking you up you can just call them.

Third, during school or in the morning when kids are at school early, kids love to play games on their cellphones because it's fun for them.

Lastly, if kids forgot to get their stuff or important stuff you just have to call your parents and then they can drop them off because if you forget to get the stuff you might not get to do whatever you did.

So to recap, kids will need their cellphones because they won’t understand what to do so they have to Google it. They might not know who is picking them up or what time they're going to get picked up. They love games on their phones and if they forgot to get their stuff they have to call their parents.


So are you now convinced teachers?

Hobby board game

Hi and welcome I am Shyanne and for today boys and girls I will show you my create for my reading. I have been learning about different types of hobby's and happiness. So for our create we have 8 different creates and we had to pick one and I picked a board game, why you might asked because making a board game is easy. The create that I picked that is the a board game had to be about happiness or my hobby and picked my hobby.

I hope you like! Do you like my board game?

Thursday, September 9, 2021

Growth mindset and fixed mindset

 Hi my name is Shyanne and for today I am to explain what I have been learning about a growth mindset. So I have been learning about what is a growth mindset and what is a fixed mindset. For our create there was a hand full for creates so I picked a comic. I now know what is a growth mindset and a fixed mindset and I believe you have both of them sometimes. This comic is about not giving up and trying your best and my reading teacher says it has a good message. I hope you like it! Do you have a growth mindset?

Thursday, September 2, 2021

No online school!

Hi I am Shyanne and this is why school should not be online. Wonder why people want to see their friends to hang out but when it is online school they don’t talk that much to their friends. Secondly you can learn a lot of stuff at school that you didn’t know about. Thirdly you don’t get destructive easily at school but when you are at home there are a lot of things around you. Fourthly if your family has work and you don’t have anyone there for you then the teachers can take care of you. Fifth you wake up early ready for online school and then you just wait there doing nothing well. When you are at school you wake up early, get dressed, eat breakfast and then you go school then talk to your friends. Lastly at school there are a lot of eyes looking at you and there is no where to go. You can’t just stand up in the middle of the class but if you are in an online class you just walk around. So are you convinced now?